
3 Zodiac Signs Who Have A Rough Horoscope On March 18, 2022

What we have ahead of us on Friday, March 18, 2022, is a truly dark day, and we’re not referring to the weather. This day has a special place for us, and that place is located deep inside our mind, where we do our most intense fantasizing, as well as our most imaginative negative thinking. In other words, if you’ve been thinking dark thoughts, today will amplify them, and for some, that could actually be dangerous.

This is a very good day to stay vigilant and strong. If there ever were a time to self-protect from one’s own self, today is that day.

And why? Because on Friday we have two transits that are related to Pluto, and Pluto is the planet that inspires the worst in us. We have Moon trine Pluto and Sun sextile Pluto — both transits are set up to play with our memories, our paranoias and our suspicions. And to top it all off, we will be suffering from self-doubt through it all, and that’s where the real problem lies.

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So, today is the day when you bring back your meditation practice, or your yoga. Today is the day when you do your affirmations and intend for all things positive. We all have to do our best to not sink into the mire that the Pluto transits lay before us.

Personal, mental strength and emotional stability are our saviors today because something ‘out there’ would love to see us crash and fall.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Have A Great Horoscope On March 18, 2022


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